Contoh Soal Mengenai Surat Undangan (implications cart) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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1.  Read the following citation carefully then work on the two questions below it!
Jalan Bendi Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta
Number: 11 / S.0301 / G / 09 1) ---------
Hal: Invitation

Dear Teachers and Employees
Shining Middle School
in Jakarta

With respect,
(2) ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Thus we convey this letter invitation.
Thank you for your kind attention.
The exact date of the letter to fill in number (1) of the letter is ...
A. November 12, 2009
B. Jakarta, November 12, 2009
C. November 12, 2009
D. Jakarta, November 12, 2009
Answer; D

2.  The contents of the right letter to fill in the passages (2) of the letter are ...
A. In connection with the implementation of the Healthy School Competition in 2009, we expect your permission to day, date: Saturday, November 14, 2009 time: 08.00 place: Shining Hall Room event: Competition Preparation
B. In connection with the implementation of the Healthy School Competition in 2009, we expect the presence of Mr / Ms to day, date: Saturday, November 14, 2009 time: 08.00 place: Shining Middle School Hall Room event: Competition Preparation
C. In connection with the implementation of the Healthy School Contest in 2009, we expect assistance from you day, date: Saturday, November 12, 2009 time: 8:00 p.m. place: Shining Middle School event: Evaluation of Competition Results
D. In connection with the implementation of the Healthy School Competition in 2009, we hope that you welcome Mr. day, date: Saturday, November 12, 2009 time: 08.00 place: Shining Middle School Hall Room event: Activity Evaluation
Answer; B

3. The National Middle School Student Council will hold a Porseni. The Chairperson of the Student Council invited the OSIS management to the committee formation meeting. The meeting will be held on Friday, March 18, 2009, at 14.00 in the Student Council room.
The contents of the official letter that best fits the illustration are ...
A.  We hope that the attendance of the National Junior High School Student Council organizers will be held at the meeting day, date: Friday, March 18, 2009 time: 08.00 place: Student Council room event: Competition Preparation
B.  Friends of the National Junior High School Student Council executive hope to attend the meeting to be held on day, date: Friday, March 18, 2009 time: 14.00 place: Meeting Room event: Social Service Preparation
C.  We expect the attendance of the National Junior High School Student Council in the meeting to be held on day, date: Friday, March 18, 2009 time: 14.00 place: Student Council room event: Establishment of the Porseni Committee
D.  The OSIS Nation administrators hope to attend the meeting to be held on day, date: Friday, March 18, 2009 time: 13.00 place: Media Room event: Division of Work
Answer; B

4.  Pay attention to the following letter quote!
We inform you that in commemoration of the national education day, SMP Harapan Bakti makes sense to hold a provincial poetry reading competition at the provincial level. The activity will be carried out on: day, date: Monday, 26 dd. April 28, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., place: Hall of Hope Bakti Middle School.
In connection with this, we submitted a request for permission to hold the activity. For your attention, we thank you.
Fill in the exact reply to the official letter is ...
A. In connection with your request for permission to commemorate National Education Day which will be held on Monday, 26th. April 28, 2009, basically we agreed, please do it as well as possible.
B. Just go ahead, carry out the best. Coordination with related officers. If it has been implemented, immediately report the results.
C. Don't hesitate to carry out the National Education Day warning. Do the best if it's finished, please report.
D. I support it continuously, carry out National Education Day warnings, coordinating with relevant officers as soon as possible.
Answer; A

5.  Pay attention to the following invitation letter!
We hereby invite you to attend the routine meeting of the beginning of the 2010/2011 school year to be held at day, date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, time: 9.00 - 11.00 WIB, place: Prapanca Middle School Hall, Bogor, event: Monthly Budget Determination for Academic Year 2010/2011.
The exact closing sentence of the invitation letter is ...
A. For your presence and blessing, thank you.
B. For the time taken, we thank you.
C. We really hope that you will be present on time.
D. Given the importance of the event, we expect you to be on time. For your attention, we thank you.
Answer; D


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